HomeUSACalifornia06/03/2017 al 06/04/2017 Stanford End of Year Social (Somos El Son playing...

06/03/2017 al 06/04/2017 Stanford End of Year Social (Somos El Son playing live!)

Salsa/Bachata Social (two rooms) with Somos El Son playing live salsa music! Special performances including Los Salseros’ Comp Team, which just placed 2nd at the 2017 College Salsa Congress!

*Free for college students with ID, $5 for community members, $1 for water*

8PM: Beginner lesson (Ballroom), Intermediate lesson (Cardinal Room)
9PM-1AM: Social Dancing (Salsa in the Ballroom with Somos El Son, Bachata in the Cardinal Room)
10:30PM Performances

Más información:

Old Union Clubhouse Ballroom, Stanford, United States, 94305

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